Sunday, August 4, 2013

California Trip

Sooooo, I'm in love.


I was completely ready to pack up and move over to this gorgeous place, that is until I saw the price tag of everything. Yeah that threw a wrench in my plans, but I still love Cali. 

Logan and I went down there about 3 weeks ago for 10 days with Logan's best friend, Riley and his family.

Funny story that, a few months back Logan and I were having dinner with Riley and his wife, Trez and they mentioned a family biannual trip to Carlsbad. Their description made it sound like heaven (rightfully so), and Logan and I, having been vacation deprived, may have tried to invite ourselves to come along. . . yeah, we were kind of desperate for a vacay at that point and Riley and Trez being as fantastic as they are were actually ok with us joining them.

Angels, they are freaking angels.

Logan and I haven't been down to California for a really long time, like when we were 5 "long time", so I don't think we really knew what to expect.

We started out by driving down and staying two nights in Vegas. We played around on the strip, saw a movie, and just relaxed.

Our view from the hotel in Vegas.
We then met up with Riley and Trez and drove down to Carlsbad and end up at the South Carlsbad State Beach. . . It was surreal. We pulled up to the campsite just before sunset to the sights, sounds, and smells of the ocean.

Our camp site

The view.

Again, THE VIEW. 
There were stairs that connected the cliff campsite to the sandy beach below. When we finally stopped gawking and made our way down the scene was picture perfect.

The sun was setting, it was a perfect 75 degrees, and waves were crashing on the sand.  The beach was isolated with only a few other visitors on it's shore, and we could see dolphins swimming not even a few 100 years off.

The days that followed were just as picturesque. We went down to the beach almost every day, Logan and Riley surfed and boogie boarded. We ate smores and played games by the campfire and fell asleep to the sounds of the waves crashing on the beach.

We also got to explore San Diego, saw the zoo, sea world, went shopping, ate some fantastic Indian food, explored balboa park, and Logan got to eat a burrito the size of his arm.

Sea world!
San Diego Zoo

It was a blast! And we owe Riley and Trez big time for letting us tag along.

Some day we will be tempted to move to Cali. Check.

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