Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine's Day: Scene 1 Take 4

I'm sure the majority of people reading this have had their fill (and more) of mushy Valentine's day posts, status updates, and other such lovey dovey proclamations.

With that in mind I will try to keep the sappiness on this post to a minimum. 
But this post is necessary

Ok, not exactly necessary. But there is need to celebrate and I figured this was a good way to express my triumph.

You see, Logan and I have been together for 3 1/2  years and have now celebrated Valentine's days for years.

Literally for years we have planned gloriously romantic nights of dinners by candle light, flowers, dancing, decadent chocolates, and so much more.  However, each year those wistful hopes dissolved into burnt hands, crying babies, and less than enchanting nights of watching chick flicks with Logan's roommates...

Three times we have attempted to have a romantic evening and three times we have failed. miserably.

Until now. . .

It was. . .well, AWESOME!

To start off I sent Logan a heart shaped pizza from papa john's--Logan loves pizza. Not a "once a month" kind of love but a "could eat it every day" love. So needless to say he approved.

Then when I got home from work I received these little beauties:

Gorgeous lilies (which are my favorite), some classy bling, truffles, and a freakin' cute, sappy love note. Needless to say I approved.

 A little later we made a dang good dinner which consisted of the following: 

Appetizer: Artichoke and melted butter.

Main Course: Beef wellington (I don't like pink meat so Logan improvised to make it well done), roasted brussel sprouts and almonds, and apples with smoked gouda.

Dessert: Poached pear wrapped in puff pastry drizzled in a vanilla sugar sauce with vanilla ice cream.


Setting the mood with a little Frank Sinatra, we cooked, danced, laughed, and had an amazing night. And yes, it was as good as it looks. 


Ok, so this could probably be considered a "typical" Valentine's day, but for us there was a sense of accomplishment about making it through the night without some kind of fire or the loss of digits. So in my book, that's an achievement. :]

I hope all of you had a Valentine's day that turned out as well as ours did, and if it didn't, know that you are not alone. I've been there and those terrible nights make the good ones that much sweeter.  True story.

Someday I will have a fantastic Valentine's day with my husband. Check.


  1. oh my yumminess!! If it could pop out of the computer screen so I could eat it, I'd be in food heaven. Looks so good!

    1. Thanks Natalie! You are so sweet! They are actually pretty simple dishes if you ever want the recipes.
