Sunday, January 27, 2013


Though I wish it with all my might and sometimes even have the urge to pretend that I am,
I am not a naturally gifted writer.

Nor am I very creative.

I look at lovely blogs in which eloquent people describe so perfectly the various events that transpire in their lives; or amazing crafty people who can make the most fantastic things under the sun using what seems to be a toothpick and some aluminum foil

And I dream fondly that some day I will have the time, the means, and the talent to perform such awsomenessities.

But so far that's all its been,
A dream.

Some day I will. . .

I use those words a lot, and I have very packed boards of unaccomplished goals on pintrest to prove it. :]

This blog is for Me.

It's to allow me to get beyond that "Some day stage" and enjoy engaging in all sorts of things life has to offer, while hopefully improving upon my writing/journal skills in the mean time--who doesn't like killing two birds with one stone! Figuratively that is. . . No literal bird killing for me please.

So here it is.

My some days...

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